Jujutsu kaisen manga chapter 236 released? Gojo saturo death

 Jujutsu kaisen manga chapter 236 released? Gojo saturo death

The Fans was shocked to learn of Satoru Gojo's passing in Jujutsu Kaisen manga chapter 236. Gojo was one of the most strong and adored characters in the series, therefore his passing signified a dramatic shift in the story. The ramifications of Gojo's death, how it affects the characters and the main plot, and the show's possible future will all be covered in this blog post.

Gojo's demise marked the end of a terrible chain of events. He was greatly weakened by being imprisoned by the cursed spirits of the Prison Realm. His strength was further diminished in his later battle with Sukuna, the King of Curses. In the end, Gojo gave his life in a last-ditch effort to spare his comrades and the entire world from Sukuna's terrifying dominion.

Jujutsu kaisen manga chapter 236 released? Gojo saturo death
Jujutsu kaisen manga chapter 236 released? Gojo saturo death

The characters are greatly affected by Gojo's death . Gojo's surrogate pupil, Yuji Itadori, is heartbroken by his mentor's passing. The shame he feels for not being able to save Gojo adds to his sadness. Another of Gojo's protégés, Megumi Fushiguro, is compelled to assume more responsibility and step up. The death of their most powerful comrade has left the other Jujutsu sorcerers in shock.

The plot is significantly affected by Gojo's death  as well. The dominance dynamic in the Jujutsu community has drastically changed after Gojo left. Sukuna may now carry out his ideas without worrying about intervention. To fight the King of Curses and stop him from destroying the world, the remaining Jujutsu sorcerers must band together.

With Gojo's 
death , Jujutsu Kaisen's future is uncertain. For years to come, the show will probably continue to examine the fallout from his death. Without Gojo's assistance, can the Jujutsu sorcerers be able to vanquish Sukuna? In response to the death of its greatest hero, how will the world respond? These are but a handful of the unresolved questions.

Although Gojo's death is a devastating loss for both the characters and the audience, it also opens up new possibilities for the show. It compels the surviving Jujutsu practitioners to develop and change. It forces them to come up with fresh strategies for defending their convictions. It also presents the possibility of a genuinely epic and remarkable series finale.

In summary, Satoru Gojo's death in Jujutsu Kaisen manga chapter 236 marks a turning point in the story. It signals the start of a new era and the end of an old one. The series' future as well as the lives of the characters will be shaped by the effects of Gojo's death for years to come.


Satoru Gojo's death in Jujutsu Kaisen manga chapter 236 marked a significant shift in the series. Gojo's death was a result of a series of events, including being imprisoned by cursed spirits and losing strength in battle with Sukuna, the King of Curses. The loss of Gojo's mentor has left the characters heartbroken, and the plot has been significantly impacted. The future of the show is uncertain, with questions about the ability to vanquish Sukuna and the world's response to his death. However, Gojo's passing also opens up new possibilities for the show, forcing surviving practitioners to develop and change. This marks a turning point in the story, signaling the start of a new era and the end of an old one.

Bullet points

"Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 236: Satoru Gojo's Death"

Satoru Gojo's death in chapter 236 signifies a significant shift in the series.
Gojo's imprisonment by cursed spirits and battle with Sukuna, the King of Curses, led to his weakening.
Gojo's death greatly affects the characters, with Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and other Jujutsu sorcerers feeling heartbroken.
• The dominance dynamic in the Jujutsu community drastically changes after Gojo's death.
• The show's future is uncertain, with questions about the ability to vanquish Sukuna and the world's response to Gojo's death.
• Despite the devastating loss, Gojo's death opens up new possibilities for the show, forcing surviving Jujutsu practitioners to develop and change.
The series' future and characters' lives will be shaped by Gojo's death for years to come.

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